One of a kind icon of Saint George painted on natural wood. Canvas bass and 22 k gold leaf background.

Saint George lived in the late 3rd century, under Diocletian’s rule of the Roman Empire, an emperor who harshly persecuted Christians. He joined the Roman army at a very young age, and found much success in the military, progressing to a high rank. In the year 303 A.D, Diocletian called an assembly with some of his top generals, Saint George being among them and asked them to make pagan sacrifices as an act of allegiance to Diocletian and the Roman Empire. While the other generals pledged themselves to paganism and the Roman Empire, Saint George proclaimed his faith in Jesus Christ. After enduring several horrendous acts of torture, Saint George was beheaded. In this icon, Saint George is shown slaying a dragon. The story states that the dragon terrorized the city of Atalia and that the citizens were forced to sacrifice a girl to the dragon annually. Saint George subdued the dragon and placed it under the control of the king. The fathers of the Church believe that this portrayal of Saint George represents him conquering evil and Diocletian as the dragon.


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